NewsHARMLESS @ Course in applied toxicology in occupational and environmental medicine

HARMLESS @ Course in applied toxicology in occupational and environmental medicine

After the great success of the course organized last year for new doctors in occupational and environmental medicine by the medical doctors of the Bispebjerg Hospital (Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine) Anja Huusom and Paula Hammer, they rerun the course this year.

In this edition, the course was aimed for experienced doctors in occupational medicine. Our colleague from NRCWE, Ulla Vogel, had two lectures, one on carcinogenesis and adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) and one on Heath Effects of particles and AOPs. In the second one, Ulla was able to disseminate HARMLESS achievements.

As the hospital is being renovated at the moment, the course was held at NRCWE facilities in Copenhagen.



EU-funded H2020 Research & Innovation Action addressing Safe-by-Design of multicomponent nanomaterials running from January 2021 - January 2025