Cooperation as cornerstone of our success
We proactively reach out to international initiatives and seek strong collaboration and knowledge exchange with ongoing projects to avoid duplication of work, create synergies and ensure that the latest results are taken into account while disseminating our own results. Key projects we collaborate with are NMBP-13 (nano risk governance), NMBP-14 (nano-informatics), NMBP-15 (Safe-by-Design) and our NMBP-16 sister projects that are funded under the same call topic. In addition, we connect with recently started Horizon Europe projects focused on Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) like the IRISS project, which will establish an international SSbD network, and the PARC partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals, which aims to develop next-generation chemical risk assessment to protect human health and the environment. Furthermore, we engage with other projects and initiatives, for example under the umbrella of the EU NanoSafety Cluster. Feel free to get in touch with us and find out how to collaborate!
NMBP-16 Ambassadors
HARMLESS is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project addressing the call topic “Safe by design, from science to regulation: multi-component nanomaterials” (NMBP-16, see EC information). Next to HARMLESS, two other projects are funded in the same call topic. Joining forces on the challenges related to safe and sustainable multicomponent nanomaterials, we are closely collaborating with our sister projects DIAGONAL (“Development and scaled Implementation of sAfe by design tools and Guidelines for multicOmponent aNd hArn nanomateriaLs”, GA no. 953152) and SUNSHINE (“Safe and sUstainable by desigN Strategies for HIgh performance multi-component NanomatErials”, GA no. 952924).
The collaboration is focused around different topics. To facilitate good inter-project cooperation, so-called “Ambassadors” were nominated for each key topic. Ambassadors are experts from each project that work on a specific topic, they enable and foster the knowledge exchange aiming to harmonise the projects’ efforts and identify and positively use synergies.
The following NMBP-16 Ambassadors task forces were established:
- Stakeholder Engagement & Exploitation
- Grouping and read-across (Hypotheses and IATA editing/development)
- Database Task Force
- Risk Management (incl. Exposure Assessment & Risk Assessment tools)
- MCNMs (Meaning of MCNM, case study comparison and sector-specific transparency)
- Hazard Assessment
Each task force separately meets on a regular basis. In addition, we have bi-annual meetings where the whole Ambassadors group meets, to discuss and exchange ideas, monitor the overall developments in each of the three projects (as far as confidentiality allows), and define the next steps.
- Working Group A – Communication, Training and Education
- Working Group B – Materials and Standards
- Working Group C – Exposure and Hazard Assessment
- Working Group D – Models and Tools for Risk Assessment
- Working Group E – Innovation and Safer by Design
- Working Group F – Data Management
- Working Group G – Regulations and Risk Governance