HARMLESS workshop on “Safe-and-Sustainable by Design (SSbD) for SMEs: Advanced Materials in Product Development”
On 25th May 2023, the H2020 project HARMLESS organised a virtual workshop on “Safe-and-Sustainable by Design (SSbD) for SMEs: Advanced Materials in Product Development”.
HARMLESS Workshop on SSbD for SMEs: AdMa in Product Development, 25 May 2023, online
The EU funded project HARMLESS is delighted to invite you to its workshop on Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD): Advanced Materials in Product Development for small and medium e
HARMLESS @ IRISS workshop on the application of the SSbD concept in materials and chemicals
On 25 November 2022, the Horizon Europe project IRISS (The InteRnatIonal ecosystem for accelerating the transition to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-design materials, products and process
On 15th November 2022, the H2020 project HARMLESS, together with the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials Steering Group on Advanced Materials (OECD WPMN SG AdMa), orga
IRISS workshop on the application of SSbD concept in materials and chemicals
To ensure that materials are sustainable for humans and the environment, to increase recycling and use resources in a more efficient way, efforts are required from an early stage o
Stakeholder WS on SSbD paradigms applied to (nano)materials @ BioCeramics32
The International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (ISCM) organised the Bioceramics 32, the 32nd Symposium and Annual Meeting of ISCM, on 20-23 September 2022 in Mestre (Venice, It
Internal Exploitation Workshop
On February 8th, 2022 the entire consortium, under the leadership of the Task Force on Exploitation, met virtually for an internal workshop on Exploitation.
HARMLESS @ SweNanoSafe workshop
SweNanoSafe is a forum for collaboration between academia, authorities, businesses and other organisations that have an interest in sharing knowledge and experiences as well as dis
GRACIOUS Impacts Forum
H2020 GRACIOUS is coming to its end in September 2021 after 3 and a half years of intensive work aimed at reaching the ambitious goal to develop a highly innovative science-based F
1st Stakeholder Workshop of the BMBF-project InnoMat.Life
1st stakeholder workshop on “innovative and complex materials: towards grouping to support hazard and risk assessment” of the BMBF project InnoMatLife took place on 15th June 2