The National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NFA)


Ulla Vogel


Sarah Søs Poulsen


Keld Alstrup Jensen


Ana Sofia Fonseca

Physicochemical and in vivo toxicological data curation and data gap-filling

NFA is a government research institute under the Danish Ministry of Employment performing research in occupational health and safety. NFA’s goal is to generate and disseminate knowledge contributing to a safe, healthy work environment in accordance with the technical and social developments in the Danish society. NFA contributes to securing coordination of Danish work environment research and monitors national and international work environment development and research. The chemical work environment is one of NFA’s strategic research areas and has a staff of approx. 35 people.

Main activities within HARMLESS:

WP2 leader, physicochemical and in vivo toxicological data curation and data gap-filling, development of SIA and SbD decision support concepts and tool development.



EU-funded H2020 Research & Innovation Action addressing Safe-by-Design of multicomponent nanomaterials running from January 2021 - January 2025