Factsheet on ToxFAIRy
ToxFAIRy, the HARMLESS software solution for automated toxicity scoring and FAIRification of data
The EU H2020 project HARMLESS (grant agreement number 953183) develops a novel, multifaceted Safe Innovation Approach to complex multi-component nanomaterials and High Aspect Ratio Nanoparticles (MCNM & HARNs) by integrating a toolbox of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), which can test key properties according to latest scientific insights into MCNM & HARNs.
ToxFAIRy is developed as a tool supporting the Safe Innovation Approach (SIA) by automating and enhancing the efficiency of toxicity assessment and material prioritization, while following FAIR principles.
This factsheet summarises the ToxFAIRY software developed in HARMLESS. It is a new data analysis and management solution that automates high throughput in vitro screening data to increase the efficiency of clustering, ranking, prioritizing, and reading across nanomaterials and advanced materials. ToxFAIRY uses a novel approach for in vitro high-throughput screening (HTS)-based toxicity assessment, which is used for efficient clustering, ranking, prioritization, and read across of nanomaterials and advanced materials.
This work has been coordinated by the partners IDEA, MISVIK, with contributions of all other HARMLESS partners. The factsheet has been created by HARMLESS C&D manager, BNN.
This document is available in the HARMLESS Community in Zenodo under DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/14609285
List of references:
- Python library and Orange3 widget for high-throughput screening data preprocessing, toxicity scoring, and FAIRification – https://github.com/ideaconsult/orange3-toxfairy
- Tancheva, G., Nymark, P., Hongisto, V., Kochev, N., Jeliazkova, N., Patyra, K., Iliev, L., Grafström, R., & Kohonen, P. (2024). Automatic Workflow for in vitro high-throughput screening data FAIRification, preprocessing and scoring: A Case Study on Nanomaterials (Version 3). NanoTox 2024 (25-26 Sept. 2024, Venice, Italy). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13986392