NewsNMBP-16 Ambassadors Meeting @Nanoweek 2022

NMBP-16 Ambassadors Meeting @Nanoweek 2022

As many of the NMBP-16 project partners (DIAGONAL, HARMLESS, SUNSHINE) were attending the NanoWeek2022 in June 2022 in Limassol (Cyprus), we took the opportunity to run a NMBP-16 Ambassadors Meeting on Monday, 20 June 2022. After purely online meetings until now, it was a great chance to finally meet some other Ambassadors face to face and get to know each other in person. The meeting was organized to further align our work, exchange information with each other and define the future interactions between our three projects.

After a short introduction of Otmar Schmid (HARMLESS’ coordinator), the different Task Forces (on the topics (i) Stakeholder Engagement, (ii) Grouping and Read-across, (iii) Database, (iv) Risk Management (incl. Exposure Assessment & Risk Assessment tools), (v) MCNMs (Meaning of MCNMs, case study comparison and sector specific transparency), and (vi) Hazard Assessment) discussed in separate break out rooms, providing updates on latest activities and defining the upcoming ones.

Additionally to this meeting, the Ambassadors had the chance during the whole NanoWeek2022 to further interact among each other, as well as with other EU NanoSafety Cluster projects.



EU-funded H2020 Research & Innovation Action addressing Safe-by-Design of multicomponent nanomaterials running from January 2021 - January 2025