EventsNanosafety Training School 2023, 15–19 May, Venice, Italy

Nanosafety Training School 2023, 15–19 May, Venice, Italy

SSbD Approaches for Chemicals, Advanced Materials and Plastics

Venice is calling: Learn about nanosafety in the historic centre of Venice, Italy, from 14–19 May 2023! #venicenano23

This year’s sessions will be around the following topics:

  • Safe-and-sustainable-by-design approaches for nanomaterials and advanced materials 
  • Environmental and health impacts of micro and nano plastics
  • Physicochemical  characterisation methods for advanced materials
  • Methods to assess the release of advanced materials, their fate, biodistribution and exposure
  • New approach methodologies (NAMs) for hazard assessment of advanced materials
  • FAIR data management in nanoinformatics 
  • Computational modelling of properties and interactions
  • Sustainability assessment methods (environmental, social and economic)
  • How to make my method ready for regulatory acceptance?
  • Policy perspectives  on risk governance of nanotechnologies
  • Science diplomacy: The role of interdisciplinarity in SSbD

Additionally, there will be several possibilities to network with the experts and other participants.

The school is organised by various EU-funded research projects and other initiatives led by the H2020 project SUNSHINE. It offers hands-on sessions to learn State-of-the-Art knowledge from key experts in the field. 

Join us and learn more about Safe and Sustainable by Design – register HERE by 20 March 2023

Venue: Venice, Italy, Auditorium Santa Margherita  

Dates: 15–19 May 2023, with a social get-together on the evening of Sunday, May 14

The following projects and initiatives organise the Nanosafety Training School:



Who should attend?

PhD Students and Postdocs, Senior Researchers, Industry Practitioners, Regulators, Policy Makers, Civil Society representatives, Anyone else interested in the Safety and Sustainability of Advanced Materials and Plastics


Scientific enquiries:

Organisation, logistics, local support and administration:



EU-funded H2020 Research & Innovation Action addressing Safe-by-Design of multicomponent nanomaterials running from January 2021 - January 2025