NewsJoint publication of the NMBP-16 projects

Joint publication of the NMBP-16 projects

Thanks to the good collaboration between the 3 NMBP-16 sister projects – DIAGONAL, HARMLESS and SUNSHINE – a new publication got published in the Environmental Science:Nano journal on the special issue on Advanced Materials.

In this publication entitled “Similarity of multicomponent nanomaterials in a safer-by-design context: the case of core–shell quantum dots“, we show how concepts of similarity enable a fast comparative screening of five quantum dots against well-known benchmarks materials, with the aim of providing Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) guidance for these and other challenging multicomponent nanostructured materials.

Special thanks to the colleagues from BASF, DTU, IDEA, UG, HMGU for the hard work!


Check out our paper to know more about quantum dots comparative assessment in a SSbD context here:

Similarity of multicomponent nanomaterials in a safer-by-design context: the case of core–shell quantum dots. Veronica Di Battista, Karla R. Sanchez-Lievanos, Nina Jeliazkova, Fiona Murphy, Georgia Tsiliki, Alex Zabeo, Agnieszka Gajewicz-Skretna, Alicja Mikołajczyk, Danail Hristozov, Vicki Stone, Otmar Schmid, Neil Hunt, Agnes G. Oomen and Wendel Wohlleben, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2024, Advance Article. From themed collection: Advanced Materials. DOI: 10.1039/D3EN00338H



EU-funded H2020 Research & Innovation Action addressing Safe-by-Design of multicomponent nanomaterials running from January 2021 - January 2025