IRISS workshop on the application of SSbD concept in materials and chemicals
To ensure that materials are sustainable for humans and the environment, to increase recycling and use resources in a more efficient way, efforts are required from an early stage of design and manufacturing. In June the major EU initiative IRISS was launched – aiming to connect, synergize and transform the Safe and Sustainable by Design community in Europe and globally towards a lifecycle approach, with a holistic integration of safety, climate neutrality, circularity and functionality.
On the 25th of November it’s time for the IRISS first digital workshop. Please join us to find out more about the important work in the field of Safe and Sustainable by Design.
At the workshop you will:
- Get an overview of mapping on Safe by Design in chemicals and materials
- Get information on if Safe by Design tools can be used to define Safe and Sustainable by Design
- Learn more about how sustainability can be evaluated at design phase of the products and process development
- Learn more about the value chain perspective on implementation of Safe and Sustainable by Design
- Be included to IRISS project network and receive news and invites to future events
The workshop is for free but a registration is needed for attending.