Internal Exploitation Workshop
On February 8th, 2022 the entire consortium, under the leadership of the Exploitation Task Force, met virtually for an internal Exploitation Workshop. Moderated by the task force leader, Otmar Schmid (HMGU), the main goal of the workshop was to explain the meaning of exploitation, its importance and to identify potentially exploitable results from each partner. To facilitate this task, several examples of exploitable results were given, both as general examples and specific ones based on exploitation through the HARMLESS Decision Support System (DSS). Furthermore, an interactive MURAL session was prepared by Beatriz Alfaro (Communication and Dissemination Manager, BNN) which provided a creative online environment to bring out the best ideas from each partner.
The workshop was very successful and the consortium was able to identify some of their potential exploitation outputs and the potentially interested stakeholders already in the 13th month of the project.