HARMLESS webinar on SSbD: DSS demo with AdMa case study
HARMLESS webinar on Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) for consultancy companies, SME and large industry: Demonstration of the user-friendly HARMLESS Decision Support System (DSS) with an advanced material as a case study
Around 50 people from all over Europe, Canada and Brazil attended on 25th April 2024, the webinar on SSbD organised by HARMLESS. The webinar was targeted primarily to consultancy companies working in the SSbD field for advanced (nano)materials, but also to SMEs and large industry stakeholders in product development, to demonstrate the use of the user-friendly HARMLESS decision support system (DSS) with a case study on perovskites for automotive catalysis.
Under the title “HARMLESS webinar on Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) for consultancy companies, SME and large industry: Demonstration of the user-friendly HARMLESS Decision Support System (DSS) with an advanced material as a case study”, the webinar provided an overview of the stage-gate HARMLESS approach to SSbD of advanced materials in product development (by Blanca Suárez Merino, TEMASOL), followed by a short presentation on perovskites for automotive catalysis (by Veronica Di Battista (BASF). After a demonstration of the DSS for this case study (by Eugene van Someren, TNO), the participants dove into an introduction to the user-friendly DSS for application of this SSbD approach (by Susan Dekkers, TNO). Towards the end of the webinar, participants had the opportunity to get hands-on experience with the HARMLESS DSS to better understand if it can be applied to their own materials.
Two slides presented by Veronica Di Battista and Susan Dekkers during the webinar
The webinar ended with an interactive Questions & Answers session where the participants were able to discuss with the experts their impressions, thoughts, and concerns. Additionally, the hands-on session enabled the participants to experiment with the AMEA tool for HARMLESS-categorization of their specific material and first advice on safety issues, while guided by HARMLESS experts. Webinar’s participants got a free 24h-access to the AMEA tool for self testing. The AMEA tool will become publicly available in the next few months.
The participants of this workshop covered a wide range of stakeholder groups, including scientific community (43%), SMEs (22%), large industry, SSbD consultants (10% each), and regulators (5%) (see graphics below for more details).
Overview of stakeholders attending the HARMLESS workshop
Overview of the nationality of the stakeholders engaged during the workshop
The HARMLESS coordinator, Otmar Schmid, invited SMEs, consultancies and other interested attendees to contact HARMLESS for further inquiries and potential collaborations as well as for becoming “BETA” testers of the HARMLESS DSS. Active involvement of SMEs with real-world case studies and tools is essential for optimised tailoring of the HARMLESS DSS to the specific needs of SMEs. If you have any questions about our work, new ideas to contribute or you want to explore and provide feedback on the HARMLESS SSbD/DSS, we would love to hear about it. Do not hesitate to contact us via email or directly via our project website.
All workshop’s materials (presentations, recording and agenda) are available here (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.11459527).