NewsHARMLESS presented the project case studies at the OECD

HARMLESS presented the project case studies at the OECD

Since the end of 2021, the HARMLESS project has been collaborating with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), concretely with the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN).

The safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials is an important concern impacting regulatory bodies throughout the world. Due to their size, Manufactured Nanomaterials may require additional testing beyond the standard suite of tests used for other chemicals, to ensure that the impact on human health and the environment is fully understood. To ensure that the tests used to address the safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials are consistent and defensible; OECD’s WPMN launched the Sponsorship Programme for the Testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials (Testing Programme) in November 2007. This Testing Programme verifies the testing methods used on Manufactured Nanomaterials by pooling the expertise of OECD member countries, some non-member countries and other stakeholders to fund the safety testing of specific Manufactured Nanomaterials.

Within the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials two new Steering Groups (SGs) have been established that will work together closely, one is going to focus on Advanced Materials (AdMa) and the other one on the Safer Innovation Approach (SIA).

During the last meeting in February 2022 HARMLESS presented an overview on the industrial case studies within the SG AdMa. This presentation  was very well taken. Currently,  details are worked out on how to  continue the collaboration between HARMLESS and the OECD. More news will follow soon.




EU-funded H2020 Research & Innovation Action addressing Safe-by-Design of multicomponent nanomaterials running from January 2021 - January 2025