NewsHARMLESS @ NanoTox 2021

HARMLESS @ NanoTox 2021

This year, the nanosafety community met virtually for the 10th International Conference on Nanotoxicology – NanoTox 2021 on 20th – 22nd April 2021.

This edition, jointly organised by the EU projects BIORIMA, GRACIOUS and PATROLS, focused on the development of novel tools for evaluating human and environmental hazard, and strategies for nanomaterial characterization, grouping, and read-across for risk analysis.

The conference gathered 361 participants (from academia, research institutions, industry, governmental institutions and NGOs) from 33 countries which attended 82 oral presentations, 117 poster presentations and 7 keynote presentations.

On Thursday, April 22nd, Tobias Stöger, from HMGU, was keynote speaker in the session at 12:15h with a presentation on “Understanding material specific cell-particle interactions in the lung for the prediction of chronic health effects of inhaled nanomaterials”. In his presentation, Tobias discussed why the understanding of material specific cell-particle interactions in the lung is required for the prediction of chronic health effects of inhaled nanomaterials. Deducing hazardous effects from physicochemical particle properties is not only of great importance for Nanotoxicology in general, but in particular for Safe-by-Design (SbD) strategies such as the ones intended by the HARMLESS project. He explained how HMGU’s current state of nanotoxicological understanding about material specific cell-particle interactions gets enhanced with the new information that HMGU started to generate in the previous EU project SmartNanoTox and which will be continued in the HARMLESS project.

Download the program here.



EU-funded H2020 Research & Innovation Action addressing Safe-by-Design of multicomponent nanomaterials running from January 2021 - January 2025