HARMLESS @ NanoHarmony Policy Meeting
The EU H2020 NanoHarmony project organised a policy meeting in Brussels on the 23rd May to discuss the importance of standardised test methods in building consumers’ trust on safe innovations. The NanoHarmony project represents a success story on test guideline development and is the result of a close collaboration among policy makers, regulators, industry and research institutes which paved the way towards a strategy on how to achieve test methods to comply with EU regulation. Under the title “European Safety and Sustainability Assessment: Fit for the Future”, this policy meeting, aligned with the AMI2030 initiative, the EU NanoSafetyCluster and the Malta Initiative, was set up as a discussion forum to look at the next steps on building a much-needed strategy to assure test guideline development in Europe.
Key participants such as the European Commission, OECD, ECHA, governmental institutes, large industry, representatives of relevant EC-funded projects (e.g., HARMLESS, SABYDOMA, IRISS, PARC) and NGOs joined the meeting, shared their views, and discussed about potential recommendations that shall be included in a White Paper.
Picture above: From left to right: Sabine Frey (BAG), Blanca Suarez (TEMASOL), Monique Groenewold (RIVM), Isabella De Angelis (ISS), Eric Bleeker (RIVM), and Andreas Falk (BNN)